Who won the Survivor immunity, which team won?

16.01.2022 – 22:29Update: 16.01.2022 – 22:29

Excitement peaked in Survivor 2022 from the very first days . The immunity game was breathtaking on the second day of the competition, which was presented to the audience in the All Star format this year. So who and which team won the immunity in Survivor 2022 on Sunday evening, January 16?

The popular competition program of TV8 screens, Survivor 2022 All Star, continued with its new episode that came to the screen tonight. In the second day of the competition, which was followed with interest this year, the immunity game was breathtaking. Who won the Survivor prize game and immunity, celebrities or volunteers? Who was the Survivor 2022 All Star elimination candidate tonight?


The team that won the 2nd immunity game of Survivor All Star 2022 was the Volunteers. In the immunity game, male competitors competed with men and female competitors with women.

Two female competitors from both teams entered the track. At the end of the stage, the competitor who completed the shots quickly brought his team a point.

Yasin Obuz and Yağmur Banda in the volunteer team were among the competitors who showed the best performance of the day. Yasin and Yağmur made 3 out of 3.

Ünlüler team, who lost the immunity, had to nominate a candidate for elimination in the council.


Survivor 2022 will be featured in our news as soon as tonight’s elimination candidate is announced.. .

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