Why aren’t we talking about COVID-19 in the south? (Inside the Marble Palace)

The crew talks about how Saskatchewan is rejecting help from the feds, and why Scott Moe is addressing low vaccination in the north but not the south.

Author of the article:

Mark Melnychuk

Premier Scott Moe speaks at a press conference to provide an update on COVID-19 measures in the province. Photo taken in Saskatoon, SK on Friday, September 10, 2021.
Premier Scott Moe speaks at a press conference to provide an update on COVID-19 measures in the province. Photo taken in Saskatoon, SK on Friday, September 10, 2021. Photo by Matt Smith /Saskatoon StarPhoenix

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This week the crew talks about how Saskatchewan is rejecting help from the feds, why Scott Moe is addressing low vaccination in the north but not the south, the mounting pressure on ICUs, anger at Moe and Paul Merriman, and what makes Saskatchewan different in how its population deals with the pandemic.

This week’s special guest is Canadian Press Saskatchewan correspondent Mickey Djuric.

Listen to the audio version here. 

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