Why do we stick out my tongue while concentrating? The researchers examined the speech and came up with an interesting explanation

If you have ever witnessed a toddler’s attempts at a more complicated action, you have almost certainly noticed how he sticks out his tongue during the training camp. portal IFL Science , sticking out the tongue during concentration seems to be as natural as breathing. But why do we do it? Dr Gillian Forrester, an expert in comparative cognitive neurology and a lecturer in psychology, decided in her article “Slip of the language: Implications for evolution and language development ” of 2015 to examine this behavior.

Photo: Unsplash

“The initial idea of ​​examining the sticking out of the tongue arose by chance,” explains the doctor, “my colleague and I studied the subtle and gross motor skills – I have noticed that children’s languages ​​are actively visible during demanding activities. ”

Forrester and her colleagues set up a group of young participants before several tasks, which included after use your hands to increase complexity – from unlocking padlocks to playing complicated games. They also told stories that acted as a control part of the hand-free testing

During the observation, they found that tongue sticking out was hand-involving activities – most commonly encountered in tasks that interrupted conversations. Language seems to jump out during these more complex exercises on the right side of the mouth, which suggests a possible origin for this manifestation. one of the interpretations

“Personally, the most interesting interpretation of the study for me is the one that supports the idea that the articulation of hands and language governed by common brain processes, ” notes Forrester, “ this could provide a natural link for an early communication system that later in the person it changes from hand gestures to speech. ”

Photo: Unsplash

If we look at the Italians, where gesticulation and conversation go hand in hand, the link between motor functions and language skills is really visible. There is a clash of evolutionary origin with anatomical, because our hands and tongues are “the only fine articulars on our body” and are “controlled by overlapping parts of the brain,” explains the Forrester portal Live Science . Interestingly, both parts of the brain are adjacent to the left hemisphere – on the opposite side to where most languages ​​are concentrated (to the right side of the mouth).

Neuroimaging during this research showed that something , called ‘motor overflow’, could explain why our languages ​​try to engage with hand movements when overlapping nets spill over . Tongue sticking out can be the way the brain can calm down – at least it’s the body’s best effort to help a complex process.

In conclusion, there are evolutionary and the anatomical basis for explaining why the tongue sticks out when the hands move, but the reason why it moves on the right side of the mouth, science has not yet clarified. And explaining why this phenomenon occurs more often in children is simple – children are not yet brought up by social norms not to do so


See also:

  IFL Science  

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