Will Rosario Robles be free and acquitted thanks to the protection she won? Lawyer explains it

“It is real the possibility of modifying the precautionary measure of Rosario Robles “, former head of the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU), and “can obtain the house arrest “, confirmed the lawyer of the former official, Epigmenio Mendieta.

Yesterday it was announced that the Ninth Collegiate Court of the First Circuit in Criminal Matters granted the amparo to Robles that would allow changing his precautionary measure from preventive detention to domiciliary.

In an interview with Manuel Feregrino for the newscast “In the morning” of Radio Fórmula, Mendieta revealed that the ratification of the amparo considers that the preventive detention against the former public servant is excessive.

# AlAire in # PorLaMñana @ EpigMendieta , attorney for @ Rosario_Robles_ . A Federal Court ratified an amparo in favor of Rosario Robles so that he can obtain house arrest.

– Ciro Gómez Leyva (@CiroGomezL) October 8, 2021

He stated that the Ninth Collegiate Court ratified that the driver’s license with which it was intended to attribute another address to Rosario Robles ; Likewise, it was proven that the former secretary does have a domicile in Mexico City, does have a roots and a family environment.

In addition, it was ruled out ” the alleged economic capacity that was tried to be attributed to his brothers, unduly “, reason for which he was allegedly kept in prison.

Today the magistrates have determined that having considerations of this nature violate due process and is not a reason that could justify preventive detention “, explained the lawyer.

I have been unjustly confined for 2 years. Hatred, revenge and fear have brought me to these 4 walls. I am deprived of my freedom because I am a woman and my name is Rosario Robles. I have learned that jail is full of stories of pain. Mexico is in debt to justice pic.twitter.com/90MyJTciIS

– Rosario Robles (@Rosario_Robles_) August 11, 2021

Epigmenio Mendieta clarified that if the former official leaves prison, “it does not mean that she is innocent”; “We will have to go to trial and we will be obliged to present the evidence and the Attorney General’s Office to fully demonstrate that she is responsible for the crime of omission,” he said.

Rosario Robles has been in preventive prison since August 2019, accused of allowing the diversion of funds for 5 billion pesos through public universities and shell companies in a plot known as “ The Master Scam “.

The former head of The Secretariats of Social Development (Sedesol, 2012-2015) and of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu, 2015-2018) in the Government of Peña Nieto have tried on three previous occasions to obtain his provisional release and house arrest.


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