William O. Hixon Named President of Water Collaborative Delivery Association Board of Directors

William O. Hixon Named President of Water Collaborative Delivery Association Board of Directors

Denver, CO, January 10, 2022 –(PR.com)– The Water Collaborative Delivery Association (WCDA) recently named William O. Hixon, PE, BCEE, of Arcadis as president of the WCDA Board of Directors. Hixon will serve a one-year term alongside other newly named members of the association’s Executive Committee.

A long-time member of WCDA, which was formerly known as the Water Design-Build Council, Hixon leads the collaborative delivery community of practice for the Arcadis Water Business line and is construction services leader for the Southeastern United States. He recently served as the first vice president and treasurer of the WCDA Board of Directors.

“The need for innovation, collaboration and successful project delivery in the water and wastewater industry has never been more urgent,” Hixon said. “Our association plays a vital role by equipping and empowering our industry to deliver better projects, together, through the power of collaboration.”

The WCDA is a leading professional association dedicated to advancing successful collaborative delivery solutions for the water and wastewater industry. Since its inception, WCDA has helped thousands of industry members successfully adopt collaborative delivery solutions through its education, research and advocacy.

At the WCDA annual meeting, members also elected the following leaders to the WCDA Executive Committee:

· First Vice President/Treasurer – Marlea Tichy, PMP, Vice President, Business Development, Kiewit Water
· Second Vice President/Secretary – Michelle Green, PE, DBIA, Vice President, West Design-Build Lead, Jacobs
· Third Vice President/Advisor Liaison – Tom Visosky, PE, Vice President, CDM Smith
· Past President (2021) – Mike Watson, PE, DBIA, Senior Vice President, Water, Stantec

To learn more about the Water Collaborative Delivery Association and access additional collaborative delivery tools, research and resources, visit www.watercollaborativedelivery.org.

The Water Collaborative Delivery Association, formerly known as the Water Design-Build Council, is a leading professional association dedicated to advancing successful collaborative delivery solutions for the water and wastewater industry. Through education, research and advocacy, we empower practitioners and owners with the knowledge, tools and resources to collaborate and innovate effectively, lead change and achieve successful project outcomes. To learn more, visit www.watercollaborativedelivery.org.

Water Collaborative Delivery Association
Bob Golden



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