Windows 11 is going to have it quite complicated in companies because of the demanding requirements

The demanding hardware requirements of Windows 11 could hamper its deployment in the business environment. According to an investigation by Lansweeper , more than half of the surveyed workstations are not fit immediate implementation of Microsoft’s next-generation operating system.

The study, which included some 30 million devices in more than 60 thousand companies, revealed that the requirements of processor and Trusted Platform Module (TPM) are the main culprits that Windows 11 cannot run on a large number of computers currently running Windows 10 or versions previous.

Details indicate that only 44.4% of workstations met the CPU requirements. In the TPM 2.0 tests, the picture is somewhat different. 52.55% had a secure module compatible with Windows 11; 28.19% had an unsupported or non-enabled model and 19.25% did not pass the test.

The requirement that most teams passed is the RAM memory. 91.05% of the workstations considered had the minimum ( 4 GB ) or more of memory required by Windows 11. Only 8.95 % was unable to run the new Microsoft software.

Credit: Microsoft

Windows 11 and virtual machines

The study of Lansweeper revealed that the TPM 2.0 requirement is the most complicated for Windows 11 on virtual machines. Only 0.23% had this feature available. This could make some sense since although Microsoft had recommended the use of the Trusted Platform Module, it did not make it completely mandatory.

Some might think that, as is It is a virtual machine, TPM 2.0 could be emulated in order to avoid that requirement. Nonetheless, Microsoft made it clear in a blog post that virtualized systems must meet the same requirements as physical computers .

TPM is basically a cryptographic chip designed to carry out various physical security mechanisms and thus prevent malicious software from compromising the system. Microsoft’s new system requires version 2.0.

As for the processor, those of Redmond require that it be 64-bit and have a minimum of 1 GHz speed with two or more cores. And they ask that they be equal to or better than the 8th generation Intel or AMD Zen 2, with a few exceptions. Details of the requirements can be found at this support document. It is also possible to consult more details in the following link .

Windows 11 will be released to the public next October 5th. It will be free for Windows 10 users and will be distributed based on a hardware-based priority system, reliability metrics, and device age.

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