Windows 11: problem in Windows 10 bar guard upgrade

O Windows 11 has arrived and although many things are going well, others are giving something to talk about. There is a problem with the resource-intensive file explorer, with AMD processors and now, apparently, with upgrades. It’s just that when some people are switching to

Windows 11 they end up with the Windows 10 taskbar as

reports the BleepingComputer website. In fact, it shouldn’t be like that, but it’s not the worst thing in the world either.

However, it’s not just the bar that reveals problems. Is that in some cases people are left with a kind of hybrid system between Windows 10 and Windows 11.

In a post on Reddit, a user shared a screenshot of Windows 11 which reveals that the new operating system continued to use the Windows 10 taskbar but the Start menu no longer works.

Shortly after writing about it, other Reddit users commented that they are also seeing similar behavior.

Is it possible to solve?

Good , some users tried to uninstall the latest cumulative update for Windows 11 and this resulted in some situations. Others were forced to create a new user profile to fix the problem. However, then you need to copy the data to the new profile and reinstall some applications.

Considering that the new profile is fixing the problem, it could be a corruption in the Registry or something like that.

Although this is an annoying situation, especially because the start menu crashes, some people manage to see this with good eyes. After all, they prefer the Windows 10 bar and as such the failure to upgrade is almost a revival.

It remains for us now to hope that Microsoft will fix this issue in the upgrade, which should happen very soon and maybe next Tuesday.

mmbarra do Windows 10

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