Winners get millions, losers lose their lives. The successful Squid Game series exaggerates, but shows the reality in South Korea

456 people wake up in one room at a time. The set is really colorful. Among them is, for example, a refugee from North Korea, a gambler who doesn’t even have a birthday present for his daughter, an elderly man with a brain tumor or a former banker on the run from the police. they are united by one thing: they have unpaid debts.

Series Squid Game produced by Netflix by Korean walk from Comenius University Miloš Procházka is greatly exaggerated, but it reflects the reality of South Korean society

In a crazy story, participants play classic South Korean children’s games. Winners will receive a large sum of money, but losing means losing a life. As the show puts it, the losers, even those who refuse to play, are “eliminated.” often willing to rely on

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