With Mavie and Nino in Cologne? Cheyenne's “Let's Dance” plan

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Mit Mavie und Nino in Köln? Cheyennes Instagram / cheyennesavannah Zur Bildergalerie

11. Jan. 2022, 4:54 pm – Diane K.

Cheyenne Ochsenknecht (21) has everything under control! In a few weeks, the daughter of Natascha (57) and Uwe Ochsenknecht (66) a great adventure going on: She stands at Let’s Dance on the dance floor and would like to convince the audience and jury of their sense of rhythm. The model has also been the mother of a daughter since last year and is also engaged to the child’s father Nino. Are the both of them are involved if it is for Cheyenne goes to Cologne to shoot?

In your Instagram – Story told the beauty that she had to be in the cathedral city at the beginning of February. Then the trailer shoot starts and shortly afterwards the training session too. “Because many have asked: Nino and Mavie will be with me in Cologne as often as possible “, she revealed to her fans in this context. For Cheyenne One thing is certain: Even if your loved one has to look after Baby Mavie alone at times – she wants him support after the work is done. “Poor Nino really has to bite through. We take turns as best we can, I’ll still do it at night. I can do it,” the 21-year-old clarified.

Cheyenne would like above all prove that it should not be underestimated. Last year she would have loved to fulfill her “Let’s Dance” dream. At the time, however, she was still pregnant. “Should I until the end of ‘ Let’s dance Zur Bildergalerie ‘I’ll be busy until May – because I do also have to train eight hours a day “, she stressed – but would like to pull it off.

Cheyenne Ochsenknecht im November 2021 in Berlin

Instagram / cheyennesavannah

Cheyenne Ochsenknecht in November 2021 in Berlin

Cheyenne Ochsenknecht, Juni 2021

Instagram / cheyennesavannah

Cheyenne Ochsenknecht, June 2021

Cheyenne Ochsenknecht mit ihrer Tochter Mavie

Instagram / cheyennesavannah

Cheyenne Ochsenknecht with her daughter Mavie

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