With the curfew, the ban on sitting in the evening in the restaurant will also expire. The hygienist can intervene

4. Jan 2022 at 15:01 I Paid content

Schools open on Monday.

Nočný zákaz vychádzania sa skončí 10. januára 2022, deti sa vrátia do škôl. The night curfew will end on January 10, 2022, the children will return to school. (Source: SME / Marko Erd)

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BRATISLAVA. The evening walk in the city or in the countryside will be allowed again from Monday, January 10. The curfew will end after 8 pm

The measures, which will apply from Monday, announced on Tuesday Afternoon Ministry of Health.

In practice, the lifting of the evening curfew also means that customers could stay in restaurants and inns. even after 8 pm

Chief Hygienist Ján Mikas did not limit the opening hours for them in a decree valid from 3 January. Unlike, for example, hairdressers, fitness centers or clothing and footwear stores, which have to close after 8 am

The Public Health Office referred to this in restaurants. that after eight in the evening, customers had nothing to look for, because until January 9, there is a curfew and a trip to

restaurants there is no exception. Only food delivery could work after 8 pm

However, the ban on evening going out will expire next week

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