Without untouchables for Robert Moreno

T trying to play the right pieces, Robert Moreno has embraced rotations at the beginning of the season, giving minutes and opportunities to practically all of the squad , dosing efforts among its players, thus promoting internal competition as an engine of improvement.

Before being injured in Vigo, Duarte was the only fixed player in the coach’s schemes . The Portuguese central defender had acted from the start in all the games, with an immaculate card until he had to leave Balaídos with physical problems , which could force an alternative formula in the center of the rear to measure himself Sevilla .

Along with the Portuguese, five other players have acted in all the duels played so far by the Granada, although partially . Germán (517), Gonalons (492), Luis Suárez (482), Neva (574) and Montoro (507) make up Robert Moreno’s trusted battalion, all old guard footballers who continue to form the backbone of the rojiblancos.

Distribution of opportunities

In goal, forced by circumstances, Robert Moreno has also had to use different options. Aarón, waiting for the acclimatization of Luis Maximiano, began the course as a starter signing good performances, although he lost his position in favor of the Portuguese, that since its premiere seems having taken over the Nasrid goal thanks to an outstanding performance .

Robert Moreno wanted to give his share of prominence to each and every one of the players in the squad , a premise that has been demonstrated by initially using Escudero, Abram, Puertas, Eteki, Soro or Molina, all members of the second unit who have had opportunities to claim. In addition, other pieces such as Quini, Arias, Monchu, Milla, Machis, Bacca and Rochina are being fundamental for the team every time they are on the pitch . A choral cast that must improve its performance.

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