Woman gunned down in Penal

TWO months after she witnessed the murder of her husband, a woman was gunned down in Penal yesterday afternoon.

Kristin Paul, 30, was shot several times and died at the scene of the shooting.

Paul’s husband, Amit Boodoo, 36, a fisherman, died after he was chopped three times on the head during a cutlass fight on the night of July 22.

That chopping incident occurred in the driveway of the couple’s home at Jaipaulsingh Trace, Barrackpore, and Paul had tried to stop the fight, police said.

Police said around 4 p.m. yesterday, a brother of Boodoo was driving a black 4×4 Nissan Frontier and Paul was driving behind in another vehicle along Mohess Road, when the Nissan Frontier experienced engine trouble and both vehicles stopped along the road.

Police were told that Paul got out of her vehicle, went to her brother-in-law and sat in his van, while her brother-in-law checked the engine.

A Toyota Axio passed by, and a man emerged from the car and fired multiple rounds of gunfire, several of which struck the van, police said.

The shooter returned to the car and it sped off.

Paul died in the vehicle.

Officers of the Penal CID and Homicide Bureau of Region Three responded.

The body was examined by a district medical officer and taken to the San Fernando mortuary, pending an autopsy at the Forensic Science Centre, Federation Park.

Detectives of the Homicide Bureau of Region III are continuing investigations.

Confronted and shot dead

Meanwhile, San Juan police are investigating the death of a 28-year-old man.

The deceased has been identified as Josimar Nero, of Shende Street, San Juan.

He was fatally shot around 8.55 a.m. yesterday while standing near a doubles stand on the Eastern Main Road, in the vicinity of Third Avenue.

Nero was confronted by an armed man, following which he was shot several times about the body.

The man then left the scene.

People in the area took the injured man to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mt Hope, where he died while undergoing treatment.

This incident has pushed the murder toll for the year to 419. The comparative figure for the same period last year was 271.

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