Woman suffers motorcycle accident while trying to avoid dog; victim had injuries

Accident happened on Avenida Sete de Setembro / Photo: Extra de Rondônia

On Tuesday night, the 11th, a woman was involved in a traffic accident after trying to avoid a dog in downtown Cacoal.

According to information collected by the team at Extra de Rondônia, the driver of a red Honda Biz motorcycle was traveling along Avenida Sete de Setembro, when, in At one point, a dog got in front of the vehicle and she, in order not to hurt the animal, tried to swerve. However, he lost control and fell to the ground, suffering several injuries to his body.

Due to the situation, a team from the Fire Department was called and was on site. The victim was taken to Hospital Heuro to receive the necessary care.

The Military Police was called and carried out control of vehicle traffic to avoid other accidents.

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