Woodstock Festival organizer Michael Lang passes away

Now rest in peace and music. Yesterday, Saturday, January 8, passed away Michael Lang one of the co-creators of the most important rock festival of all time, Woodstock . According to a spokesman for his family, he died at Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer that attacks the lymphatic system.

Michael Lang was born in Brooklyn, New York. After being expelled from college, he moved to Florida, where he opened a cannabis store. There, in 1968, he organized the Miami Pop Festival, which brought together three fundamental artists of the time: Jimi Hendrix, Frank Zappa and John Lee Hooker.

In 1969, Lang, together with Artie Kornfeld, John P. Roberts and John Rosenman, they created Woodstock , the music festival that would mark an entire generation. Held in an atmosphere of protests in the wake of the Vietman war, Woodstock gathered more than 400,000 people on a farm outside of New York. During the three days that it lasted, they played The Who, Jefferson Airplane, Joan Baez, Santa, among other legendary musicians.

Throughout his life, Michael Lang worked with artists of the stature of Prince, Madonna, Marc Anthony, Snoop Dogg or Joe Cocker, one of the figures of Woodstock and of which he was represented by many years.

Organized other editions of Woodstock

In 1994, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary by Woodstock , Michael Lang produced a new edition of the festival. Like the original, Woodstock 94 ‘exceeded all expectations, drawing more than half a million attendees. They played acts of the time, such as Metallica, James, Red Hot Chilli Peppers or Cypress Hill. And a festival classic could not be missed: Joe Cocker.

Five years later, the organizers repeated the dish, with Woodstock 99 ‘ . Sadly, the festival is best remembered for its disorganization and unfortunate incidents. During the four days that it lasted, DMX, Limp Bizkit, Jamiroquai, The Offspring, among many others,

performed in 2019, to celebrate 50 years of Woodstock , Michael Lang announced a new festival, which did not take place. “We are saddened that a series of unexpected setbacks have made it impossible to organize the festival we imagined with the great poster we had hired and the social response we anticipated,” Lang said in a statement, which would be one of his last public statements.


I understood that reference

EER 3×22 Season finale: our ranking of the year, why we watch series and movies and goodbye

The year ended and the third season of the podcast also ended. We started doing an exercise in series and cinephile nostalgia; then we talk about our favorite productions of the year; and at the end, the moment “may the force be with you”. It’s been a great trip.

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