WORLD ON THE EDGE OF A NEW WAR: Military tensions are the worst in 40 years

Military tensions with China are the worst in forty years, Taiwanese Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng said on Wednesday , after the Chinese incursions into Taiwanese airspace recently took place, the BBC reported.

Kuo-cheng also warned that China could be capable of invading Taiwan by 2025. Previously, China sent a “record number” of fighter jets into Taiwanese airspace, for the fourth day in a row.

Although the two countries are already separated for more than seven decades, China still considers Taiwan to be its inseparable territory, even though it has never actually ruled the area. China is now threatening the Third World War, and the situation is getting worse every day, writes the Guardian .

“By 2025, China will take over us completely. Current tensions are the worst in 40 years, “said Taiwanese Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng.

Although the island’s minister believes China is already capable of attacking Taiwan, believes that this will happen in the next three years in order to prepare China as well as possible, taking into account all potential obstacles.

The Indo-Pacific Relations Expert believes that The increase in Chinese incursions was due to Taiwan’s request to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP), or the Free Trade Pact.

China vehemently opposes any free moves by Taiwan and considers this behavior of the state, which has been demanding independence for decades, inadmissible.

“Taiwan has been an autonomous province for a long time and I consider it that we don’t have to prove ourselves to anyone. We do not want to be adventurous in this situation, but we will do everything in our power to defend ourselves, “said Tsai Ing-wen , Taiwan’s president.

Taiwan with only 24 million inhabitants is in a bad military position. In future military campaigns with much less weapons, the island of China cannot compete.

The position of the United States and Joe Biden is unclear for now because it is known that the American government is more in favor of China than Taiwan; which means that in this situation the United States could side with a stronger state.

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