Wow, the Presidential Palace at IKN was Built on 100 Hectares of Land!

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Artist Nyoman Nuarta asked President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to provide 100 hectares of land for the construction of the new Presidential Palace in the State Capital (IKN).

Nyoman is the artist who designed the Garuda Palace at IKN.

He conveyed this after presenting the basic design of the Garuda Palace related to the new IKN development plan in Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan.

Nyoman said that the request for the 100 hectares land began with from President Jokowi’s dissatisfaction with the open green space of the Garuda Palace. Jokowi feels the botanical garden for the palace is not wide enough.

“The President said why does it look narrow? I said, the area given started from 32 hectares, but has been expanded to 55 hectares. The President even asked me, Mr. Nyoman how wide do you want? I said it should be 100 hectares, the period of the presidential palace area is smaller than the Garuda area Wisnu Kencana,” said Nyoman, quoted on Saturday (8/1/2022).

Nyoman also said that President Jokowi immediately asked the Minister of PUPR who was also present to accompany the head of state to

However, Nyoman emphasized that the intended area is a green area in the form of a forest and a botanical garden.
, which is located on the right and left of the Garuda Palace building.

“So, the area of ​​the Garuda Palace building and other supporting buildings remains, as planned with additional green areas, in the form of forests and botanical gardens. Now in our calculations, the built area is only 8%, while the remaining 92% is space

This percentage, according to Nyoman Nuarta, has proven that the existence of IKN in North Penajam Paser really aims to revive the abandoned land area. .

Currently, Nyoman Nuarta’s team is coordinating with a team from the Ministry of PUPR to determine the area that will be used as an expansion of green open space in the IKN area.

“The land around it is still very wide. So it’s still possible to make it a forest inside the palace area,” he concluded.


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