Xenix launches height-adjustable gaming desk arena multi-desk on October 12th

ǻ ̹ å 귣 н 10 12 ̹å ǰ ̹ ũ Ʒ Ƽ å Ѵٰ .


ÿ Բ н ̹ Ʈ  Ư , 100% ÷ ı ̺Ʈ Ǵ Ʒ Ƽũ ̹å پ ׼ ̹ ũ Ȱ뼺 ưư ڶѴ.

Ʒ Ƽũ ̹å å ɾ ȿ ÷̸ ֵ 1 ̹ θƮ 1260mm / 1680mm  ߾, ּ 675mm, ִ 810mm 8 Ŀ͸ ٸ žǾ.

ܴ Ż ũθ ̿ å PC ִ Ʈ̿ Ƽ Ȯų յ ⿡ ° ٸ ٸ 鸲 ߰ ش.

LPM ī ε巯 밨 ڶϸ, ׼δ ġ å ϰ ġ ִ Ȧ, ̺ ִ Ƽ Ʈ̰ ִ.

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