Xenix Offers Wireless Gaming Headset Titan WH7 Wireless Charging Stand

ǻ ̹ Ű 콺 å ̾ 귣 н Ÿź WH7 7.1 ä ̹ α⸮ Ǹ ̴.


TITAN WH7 ̹ ε巯 ð 뿡 밨 ϸ, Plug & Play ġ뿡 ø ͸ ־ ϰ, Ʈ Գ ´ Ŀ͸¡ ϰ ִ.

50mm 뱸 ׿ ̳ ̹ žϿ Ƽ̵ ȯ 7.1 ä ̹ ǰ 忡 ִ е ԰ Ϻ ÷̰ ϸ, Ż ÷ú ũ ǥ ϴ.

Ư ǰ Ž ⺻ Ǵ ġ Ӹ ƴ϶ ϱ ٴڿ ߸ų å ġǴ Ȳ ִ.

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