Xiaomi CIVI Pro certified: 4K display, design and specifications!

Xiaomi’new CIVI The series was successfully launched this week. Today is also the day of launch of this new phone, the first sales in online sales channels 200 million yuan in 5 minutes broke a record. Xiaomi CIVI Pro technical specifications

A new

is very similar to CIVI in terms of appearance and general configuration. Xiaomi model appeared at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technologies today. According to the certificate information, the model number is 21109119BC. Technical specifications have been further upgraded compared to CIVI, screen size and material are the same as CIVI 6.55 inches and AMOLED, but resolution 3840 × 2160 pixels, a 4K level feature that is very rare in today’s mobile phone market.

The processor is 8 core 2.4 GHz speed, 6GB/8GB/12GB/16GB RAM options and 4400mAh may come with fast charging features along with the battery. The phone is also equipped with 64GB/128GB/256GB/512GB storage options.

Offering triple camera solution on the back The main camera of the device is 64 megapixels , the other two cameras are 8 megapixels , these cameras are ultra wide angle and macro expected to be. Looking at the color scheme of the phone, it is available in red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, black, white and pink. The phone measures 158.34 × 71.5 × 6.98mm and weighs 166 grams.

You can find the official information of this phone via the image below.

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