Yandex.Eda introduced a new customer charge

Business , 08 Oct, 02:53

For Moscow it is 29 rubles, regardless of the cost of the order. Yandex explains that this will allow maintaining the quality of services with a rapid increase in the number of orders, as well as developing a product for partners

Фото: Станислав Красильников / ТАСС

Photo: Stanislav Krasilnikov / TASS

Food ordering and delivery service Yandex.Eda has introduced a new user fee, the proceeds from it will be directed to the development of the aggregator, it is indicated on the Yandex.Eda website.

On the main On the service page, a plate has appeared notifying of the collection. “We use this money to develop Yandex.Eda,” it says.

forming an order. On the territory of Moscow, the fee is 29 rubles. regardless of the total cost of the ordered meals.

RBC sent a request to Yandex.

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