Yoel Reyes new commander of the Aragua State Police

This Wednesday the act of transfer of command of the Aragua State Police took place, which from now on will be led by the Commander General, Yoel Reyes.

The meeting was led by the Governor of Aragua State, Karina Carpio, who thanked the work of Division General José Viloria, «For your Dedication, Vocation, Commitment and Loyalty to the Men and Women in Blue, to you our Recognition”, indicated the governor through a publication on her facebook account.

In another publication, Carpio also stressed that with this new appointment the advancement and strengthening of this security force will continue, “We have a duty every day to work for the security of our state.”

«Today I tell everyone in our institution to open the heavens so that God continues to fill us with gallantry, hope and wisdom to make our state the safest in Venezuela ela”, stated the highest authority in the entity.

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