Yorushika releases new song with the motif of “barking at the moon”

Yorushika’s new song “Barking in the Moon” will be released on October 6th. Will be done.

The song, which was produced with the motif of Sakutaro Hagiwara’s poetry collection “Howling at the Moon,” was broadcast as a 60-second version at Lawson stores nationwide this summer and among fans. It was attracting attention.

Yorushika continues to release songs with homage to literary works, such as “Matasaburo” in June and “The Old Man and the Sea” in August. Takashi Kato, who also worked on the previous two songs, was in charge of the jacket visual for “Barking in the Moon”.

“Barking in the Moon”

Distribution started on Wednesday, October 6, 2021

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