You can also be an athlete at home!

športanje doma

Recreation at home it has probably never been as popular as last year and this year. Due to the closed gyms, even the hottest fitness visitors and group sports players were forced to exercise at home. Weightlifting, aerobics, pilates, yoga and other exercises that we usually do in this dedicated sports facility have moved into rooms, living rooms and other living spaces.

Some have done so recreated before, others got used to it, and still others had a hard time accepting closed gyms. No matter what group you belong to, you will definitely benefit from some advice on sports at home.


What types of exercise can we do at home?

) More than you think. The simplest are yoga and pilates, for which you only need a gym pillow and a computer. Basic strength exercises are also possible, but without aids you can also perform HIIT (high-intensity interval training) and other aerobic exercises, which could disturb the lower neighbors if you have them, so it is better not to perform them early in the morning or late at night). Zumba is one of the fun types of exercises that you don’t even need a pillow for.


If you want to strengthen your muscles to more demanding way, you can think of different types of elastics and straps and of course weights. Cheap versions of weights are large bottles filled with water or sand. You can also exercise with a backpack full of books.

športni pripomočki

Where to find tutorials?

YouTube is a platform where you can exercise for free with a huge variety of creators. You can find virtually any type of exercise that can be performed at home. Many sports influencers and personal trainers also post training videos on Instagram and TikTok platforms.

Some great YouTube channels for sports at home

  • POPSUGAR Fitness: different types of exercise.
  • športni pripomočki Lilly Sabri: different types of exercise.

  • Zumba Class: zumba only.
  • Boho Beautiful Yoga: only yoga.
  • Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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