“You fought for this love and you won and made me your wife” – BBNaija star, Queen praises husband, David, days after their traditional wedding

Big Brother Naija star, Queen Mercy Atang, has celebrated her husband, David Oyekanmi, for going the extra mile to fight for their love.

While sharing a video montage of their recent traditional wedding, the mother of one stated that David fought fiercely for their love and won flawlessly, making her his wife.

This comes amid controversy surrounding her marriage to her husband and her relationship with her child’s father, skit maker Lord Lamba.

BBNaija star, Queen praises

It was earlier gathered that David and Queen have been close for years, as confirmed by an old picture of them. However, she met and had a baby with skit maker Lord Lamba in 2022.

Unfortunately, things didn’t work out between herself and Lord Lamba, and now she is married to David, a UK-based biomedical scientist.

After speaking about their love, her husband also professed his love for her and stated that he is proud to have her as his wife.

Her words,

“My dearest husband, David,

Words are not enough for me to express how much joy, love, and peace you’ve brought into my life. Thank you for choosing me to walk this path with you. You fought for this love, and you won, and made me your wife. Your kindness, sweetness, love, and peace are second to none. I will forever cherish the love that we have for each other. With God by our side, we will rule and dominate. I love you.”

Watch the video below,

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