“You Obidients Are Busy Cursing Me. Me I Am Busy Cashing Out Of You”

Nigerian Author and Social Media Critic, Reno Omokri claim that he is making money out of criticism, curses, and support due to different opinions on presidential candidates.

Reno Omokri, 49 chieftains of the Peoples Democratic Party has been dragged since the beginning of the campaign for supporting and giving reasons why Nigerians should vote for his party flagbearer, Atiku Abubakar at the same time criticizing Peter Obi of the Labour Party and Bola Ahmed Tinubu of the All Progressive Congress….CONTINUE READING

Omokri was heavily dragged on the streets of social media, showered with insults and curses by the most toxic movement called the “Obidients”.

Although he has revealed that he has made so much money from last year till now from insults and engagements from critics that can buy a house.

“You hate me? That is your problem, not mine. I can see, hear, and walk. I can eat and I have food. I can sleep and I have a house and bed. I traveled to over 30 countries last year. I absolutely love my life! Praise God! You that hate me, do you even love your life?.”

“When people mock you over your poverty, don’t feel bad. Instead, let their mockery motivate you and become the energy that fuels your success, until you get to the point where you are so successful that your workers earn more than your mockers! It is POssible. LOL!.”

Thank you for your feedback. I was nominated for election as the most influential Business Influencer in Africa and won with 256,000 votes. Peter Obi contested for President and lu le! So, who between me and you Obidients and your Peter is cursed? Thank you daddy!#TableShaker pic.twitter.com/lhEvg8XwRy

— Reno Omokri (@renoomokri) April 8, 2023

“To these Obidients coming to my timeline to curse me, let me as you this question: If your words are so powerful, then how come your prayers did not make Peter Obi President? If your prayers could not do that, your curses cannot hurt me! It will return to sender!.”

“You Obidients are busy cursing me. Me I am busy cashing off of you. So, who is really cursed, and who is blessed? The money I have made on top of your heads this election season can buy a house. Keep cursing. As long as you interact, money is entering my account….CONTINUE READING

Whether you curse or bless, all join to put money in my account. So curse. As long as money is entering my account, I don’t mind. And if you don’t interact, I will pinch Obi small until you interact. You Obidients are my cash cow! I love you guys. Thank you daddy!#TableShaker pic.twitter.com/8XcluQLiHF

— Reno Omokri (@renoomokri) April 8, 2023

We know your DNA more than you. You lack emotional intelligence. You are controlled by your feelings. As long as ego dey enter my pocket, make una dey curse me. Una say I be cow? I agree. Wetin cow dey chop? No be grass? Na una be my grsss. Peace is never an option!#TableShaker pic.twitter.com/1vwkAUGmSa

— Reno Omokri (@renoomokri) April 8, 2023

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