Young man shot at Mortensrud in Oslo

A young man was shot and taken to hospital for treatment. The police stated at 23.30 that the condition is critical.

The police received a message from callers and AMK at approximately 22.22 on Thursday night.

– The police are at Lofsrud school with large resources. There is one person shot. He is undergoing treatment for health. The police work on site, receive witness interviews and we work with securing technical clues. We have a fairly large operation right now, and it will continue for some time to come, says operations manager Rune Hekkelstrand to NRK.

Flere politipatruljer på Mortensrud etter at en person ble skutt torsdag 7. oktober 2021

MORTENSRUD: The police are working on the spot.

Photo: Øzgur Tufan / NRK – Can be a targeted action

The police say they have no information that anything should happen at Mortensrud on Thursday. Task leader Erling Olstad says several people must have been present when the shots fell.

– Life-saving efforts were implemented by the police on the spot before the ambulance arrived, Olstad told NRK.

– Some students should have been at school when the incident took place, but they should have nothing to do with this. The person who was shot did not go to school based on information the police have at the moment, says Olstad.

According to what NRK is informed investigates the police about the shooting can be linked to a criminal environment. Several people are said to have disappeared from the scene after the shooting episode. No one has been arrested in the case, and the police are now hunting for one or more perpetrators.

A witness on the spot tells NRK that she heard six shots.

The police can not confirm information about the number of shots.

– What we have of information so far is that there are several shots that have been fired. The number of shots is a little too early to say anything about. But the number of shots may indicate that it is a targeted action, says Olstad.

Innsatsleder Erling Olstad snakker med pressen på Mortensrud der en person ble skutt torsdag kveld.

Innsatsleder Erling Olstad snakker med pressen på Mortensrud der en person ble skutt torsdag kveld.

SERIOUS INCIDENT: – Shots have been fired at a person, who is now critically injured, and it is of course serious, says operations manager at the police in Oslo Erling Olstad

Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB

Searched by helicopter

The police search both on the ground and by helicopter. Witnesses are asked to contact the police.

– We have information that there have been cars involved in connection with this, which we are now checking based on information we have received from witnesses, says Olstad.

According to NRK’s ​​experience, checkpoints have been set up at exits in and out of Oslo as a result of the incident.

– We actively search with dog patrols, and try to map where any perpetrators may have run so that we can secure track exit and be able to find them eventually, says task leader Olstad.

Police helicopter was used at the beginning of the investigation.

– Is there camera surveillance at the school that you can use?

– It is also part of what we work with, with technical investigation to map camera coverage and other digital media that can give us information, answers Olstad,

– Er de t one person you are looking for?

– At the moment it is too early to say.

This is a serious incident that affects the local community, Olstad adds.

– We will be visible in the area throughout the night. So that we can be the safeguards for those who have felt that this has been disturbing. Something we absolutely understand, it is not everyday that someone is shot in an open place in Oslo, Olstad says in an update to VG night to Friday.

Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB

Rector: – Tragic

The principal at Lofsrud school, where the shooting episode is said to have taken place, has been informed of the incident.

– This is tragic. I know very little about the incident, but of course I think this is sad, says principal Trond Nilsen to Avisa Oslo .

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