Young people march for the climate in Milan, with Greta Thunberg

This event takes place as ministers from several dozen countries have gathered in Milan until Saturday for a preparatory meeting for COP26.

By Belga
I t is less hot in hell ”: hundreds of young people marched in the center of Milan on Friday, behind Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, calling for swift climate action one month away from the crucial COP26 conference in Glasgow. After nearly two years of pandemic and restrictions that forced them to demonstrate only online, they are back, like last Friday in Berlin, already with Greta Thunberg, the face of this movement which had brought millions of people down to the streets around the world in 2019.
At the head of the procession, some distinguished guests, such as Greta Thunberg and Ugandan activist Vanessa Nakate, came to Milan on the occasion of a meeting of 400 young people from around the world brought together by the UN to give their vision of the climate battle before the COP26 in Glasgow in November.

“The world is waking up and change is happening whether you like it or not” reads one of the many signs, alongside the now classic “there is no planet B” or a blue Earth. with a sad smile, thermometer in his mouth, shouting “save me”

The Swedish activist repeats at the microphone her accusations against the leaders who “claim” to do something: “We see beyond their lies, their blah blah blah, and we have had enough,” she says at the end a walk. “Hope is us (…) Together, we are change, let’s never stop, let’s continue the fight”, she adds in front of the galvanized assistance which chants her name in heart, “Greta! Greta! Greta! “. This event takes place as ministers from several dozen countries have gathered in Milan until Saturday for a preparatory meeting for COP26.

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