Yulien Oviedo responds to Randy Malcom – “It seems that you forgot that thanks to me you entered the Charanga”

Yesterday the urban artist Yulien Oviedo sent a strong message to the member of the Cuban duo Gente de Zona, Randy Malcom who had sent a message to Yulien recently in response to the statements of Yulien about the album “Epicentro” by Dale Putui .

In response to Randy Malcom’s statements when letting him know that “The Best Voice of the Genre” was not him, Yulie did not hesitate to answer him with a strong message, claiming:

“Randy Malcom I understand that you it hurt about the best voice of the genre, will look like ego and for someone like you , sure painful to recognize but know that it is true . Look who jumped , this if I did not expect it, good that little by little all they’re remove two masks .

TO time many will say that is a guideline, but I with my truth I go to the end of the world, respect yourself you who seems to be forgot

that thanks to Yulien Oviedo you entered the Charanga Habanera , you stayed for your talent, to that after no one is going to say that it is envy , but the one who shook your hand when you were nobody was me, I don’t want you to thank me, you don’t have to, but don’t worry, I’m used to being stabbed in the back, it’s because I can’t help anyone but no lesson ”

These were some of the words that Yulien Oviedo for Randy Malcom which to these no res put or gave statements.

Published by

Dani Rodriguez

Writer / Administrator

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