Yungblud: ‘I don’t even consider myself a musician’

YUNGBLUD joined Hanuman Welch on the latest episode of ALT CTRL on Apple Music 1 to discuss his 2022 plans including his upcoming tour, third album, potential collaborations, and more.

YUNGBLUD Tells Apple Music About His Upcoming Album…

“I’ve been in London. I’ve been making kind of the third record and I’m just so excited about it. This is, for me, the most personal music I’ve ever written. And I think people are going to be a bit shocked about that because all my other music is pretty personal.I think I just need to say it as it is completely uncensored, completely outrageously. And I think this is what this album’s doing. You know what I mean? That’s what I do. And my favorite songs I’ve ever released are the songs that do that. So, you know what I mean? Get ready.”

YUNGBLUD Tells Apple Music About Not Wanting To Be Remembered As a Musician…

“I don’t even consider myself a musician. There’s a lot better singers and there’s a lot better guitar players, a lot better musical people than me. I’m a communicator. That’s what I want to do. I would despise to be remembered as a great musician. And I know that sounds crazy. And a lot of people would kill me for that statement, but I’d rather be remembered as a communicator who spoke to people.”

YUNGBLUD Tells Apple Music About Possible Collaborators…

“There’s a lot of cool artists I’m working with on this next record. I’ve made a lot of friends. I made a lot of mates on this journey. I love what Willow Smith’s doing right now. I’m obsessed with Girl in Red. There’s a new wave of artists who are talking from their soul and their reality. You know what I’m saying? I ain’t confirming anything but I would certainly love to work with them.”

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