Zel continues its expansion in Spain with a new hotel on the Costa Brava

Zel Costa Brava

This summer, Zel, the hotel brand developed by Meliá Hotels International and Rafa Nadal, will be developing its innovative “Mediterranean house” concept between Cala Pola and Cala Giverola, just a few minutes from Tossa de Mar.

The hotel, formerly known as Pola Giverola Resort, is now owned by Azora. Zel’s expansion plans were unveiled at the Fitur by Gabriel Escarrer, President and CEO of Meliá, who revealed the brand’s next destinations. Other openings will follow in Madrid, Sayulita (Mexico) and Punta Cana (Dominican Republic) in 2025.

The 214-room hotel is currently undergoing a renovation to match the brand’s characteristics, adopting outdoor-inspired architecture with dynamic outdoor spaces and biophilic design. The entrance will be transformed into a vibrant courtyard, featuring a café, boutique, supermarket and relaxation areas. The hotel will also offer distinctive cuisine and refurbished leisure and wellness facilities.

Gabriel Escarrer, President and CEO of Meliá, highlighted the alliance with Rafael Nadal and the value of the new expansion project on the Costa Brava, stating that the future Zel Costa Brava will become a benchmark hotel destination in the region.

For his part, Rafael Nadal expressed his satisfaction with the new Zel hotel in such a special place as the Costa Brava, highlighting the authenticity of the experience offered by the destination and the commitment to impeccable service.

Concha Osácar, founding partner of Azora, emphasised the importance of working with partners of the stature of Meliá and Rafa Nadal in the repositioning of the hotel, saying that they have what it takes to make it a benchmark on the Costa Brava.

Meliá Hotels International

Meliá Hotels International


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