Zvezda's Mustafa has teamed up with Ohio, here's what it means!

Author: Darko Mitrović

Wednesday 19.01.2022.


Source: Sportske.net, crvenazvezdafk.com

Red Star stepped up attacking this winter, the long-awaited Ohi from Molde has arrived, but there is now a young striker from Ghana Ibrahim Mustafa who is fighting in the preparations in Turkey for his place in Dejan Stanković’s team.

We will see in the preparatory matches whether Stanković will seriously count on him in the second part of the season, but for now Mustafa is feeling great in Zvezda.

” I feel good here. I have never trained like this before, but as a footballer you have to be ready for everything the coach asks of you. It is great to train with the first team of the Red Star and it is a real privilege that I can be on the field together with these great players. I feel great and proud. Everyone helps me a lot to fit in better, both on and off the field.

I hang out with Ohio a lot, so I’m slowly fitting in. We stand close on the field, it helps me how to position myself and find the right place to score a goal. That means he can help me score as many goals as possible , Mustafa told the club’s website.

The first part of the season he played in Radnički from Semska Mitrovica and scored seven goals.
” The first part of the season was great. I played well, so the goals came in a row “, points out Mustafa, who also made a promise.

” The coach gives the opportunity to young players. Everything that others do, we young people do. We participate in everything, which helps us a lot. I’m ready for anything. If I get a chance now, I’ll do my best, and if I don’t, I’ll wait for the next one, I promise.

The pace of training is quite strong, so we are a bit tired, but we plan everything well, so we have enough time to rest. We are trying to make the best use of it, in order to be as ready and rested as possible for the next challenges “, concluded Mustafa


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