‎CITC launches 2nd phase of broadband opening project for business sector

Logo of Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC)

Saudi Arabia’s Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) launched the second phase of the broadband opening project, which is dedicated to the business sector.

The move followed the success of the first phase, in which individuals were allowed to choose the most appropriate fiber-optic service provider, regardless of the owner of the infrastructure.

At CITC’s Riyadh-based headquarters, the commercial agreements were signed today, Sept. 29, by the telecom service providers at this phase, namely stc, Etihad Etisalat Co. (Mobily), Mobile Telecommunication Company Saudi Arabia (Zain KSA), Salam, and Dawiyat Integrated Telecommunications & Information Technology Co. and Etihad Atheeb Telecommunication Co. (GO).

The authority indicated that the percentage of requests to open broadband in its first phase, which targeted the retail sector, increased to more than 76% of the total subscriptions to fiber-optic service since its launch last year. This led to improving the competitiveness of fiber-optic services by nearly 23%.

The service providers have submitted more than 50 promotions since the launch of the project.

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