₹26.99 lakh in unaccounted cash seized from govt. offices

DVAC conducts searches at 38 places across T.N.

DVAC conducts searches at 38 places across T.N.

Officials of the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) conducted searches at government offices across the State and seized ₹26,99,335 in unaccounted cash and documents, a press release said.

The surprise checks were conducted at the Sub-Registrar offices in Mylapore, Anna Nagar, Villivakkam, Ambattur and Thiruvanmiyur, and the Regional Transport Office in Tambaram — altogether 38 places in the State.

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Printable version | Oct 1, 2021 6:22:11 AM | https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/2699-lakh-in-unaccounted-cash-seized-from-govt-offices/article36768436.ece


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