11 reasons why you don't need to upgrade to Windows 11

Windows 11 will officially begin to arrive this October 5, 2021. The announcement of a new version of Windows was something that took us by surprise, because a long time ago Microsoft had been saying that Windows 10 would be the «last Windows» and would simply become a constantly updated service as it has been until now.

However, after throwing away the plans for a Windows 10X that was going to “modernize Windows” and focus on the cloud and hybrid devices, Microsoft he turned around and decided to jump to Windows 11. He did so in addition to talking about “ radical visual rejuvenation ” and “attention to detail.” However, the reality of Windows 11 that we have is one that does not justify the jump too much , and these are some of the reasons why it is not necessary to contemplate updating, at least not right away.

Windows 10 is not going to be out of support

Windows 10 Soporte 2025

No one has to run worried from now on to move to a new Windows because the previous one is on the verge of death . Windows 10 will have official support until 2025 , and seeing how history has shown that Microsoft has to extend the support of its systems due to the usually high number of users that are are left behind for years, it is not unreasonable to think that those four years could end up being more.

If you are not sure, or if your computer is not even compatible , you have at least four years to think it over or to get a new computer .

Windows 10 will continue to receive new features

Windows 10 not only will not be without support for a long time, but you will also receive new features, although probably few and a bit trickle, that is, not very different from what has happened in the last couple of years with the semi-annual system updates.

Along with the launch of Windows 11 will also come a new version of Windows 10 : Windows 10 21H2 with its many improvements and news. Although as with Windows 11, not all will receive them at the same time, but gradually and in batches of users.

Windows 10 You will also receive some of the key new features of Windows 11


Among the novelties that Windows 10 will receive are several of those that will arrive with the same Windows 11. We can count among the most prominent the AutoHDR and DirectStorage that Microsoft included in its new video game consoles: Xbox Series X / S.

These are two features that significantly improve the performance of games, and help to take advantage of the speeds of modern NVMe SSDs. Microsoft has also said that the new App Store will come to Windows 10 , and although compatibility with Android apps will probably not also arrive, already Android Apps Windows 11 the new Microsoft Store looks much, much better.

We don’t know when or how they will arrive These news, Microsoft has not given dates, but has said that some of them will be limited in Windows 10.

We will not see the Android applications yet

Android Apps Windows 11

One of the great novelties with which Windows 11 was announced, was the surprise that we could install Android applications natively, through the Amazon app store integrated directly into the Microsoft Store. However, nothing of this novelty, not even in the preliminary versions has been allowed to see .

Microsoft has already confirmed which will not be there yet, and this deprives the release of Windows 11 of one of its most interesting developments , and one that probably would have caused more interest in users for being something definitely novel.

The «revolutionary» changes in design are not such

The design is undoubtedly one of the great selling points of this new Windows. Rounded edges have returned to (almost) everywhere, the Start Menu, File Explorer, taskbar, notification center, virtual desktops, menus, icons have been redesigned , the default apps , even the color of the folders was changed for the first time in many years.

However, This is only the first coat of paint and the imperfections are very noticeable . That promised attention to detail is not exactly conspicuous by its presence, quite the contrary. The Windows Explorer 11 is one such example , but by far the only one.

It is a system that lacks maturity

Explorador Windows 11

Design is the first thing that comes to mind with this, but it is not the only thing. Windows 11 seems to be in too much of a rush to debut without being quite ready . It is not the first time that this has happened with Windows, Windows 10 itself has gone through countless changes in its six years of life and it is perhaps currently when it feels more stable and mature than ever.

Windows 11 is starting, and although in certain aspects it is an improved Windows 10, in others it is still a new system that has not finished fixing all the blocks. From the very launch they are already breaching promised features, not the best signal that can be given.

Several of the improvements of Windows 11 can be had on Windows 10 easily

Gestion Ventanas Windows 11

While there are some useful news in Windows 11 that Windows 10 you just won’t get, for the most part it’s not things that you can’t have in Windows 10 somehow. For example, one of my favorites is the new “smart layouts”.

This function is the one that now offers options to stack windows in different ways with just hover the mouse pointer over the maximize button in a window . This is something you can get in Windows 10 with the same Microsoft PowerToys and with much more control.

Center the bar buttons task of Windows 10 is very easy even without installing anything, and with third-party tool you can change the Start Menu for several. You can even return rounded edges to your system with a simple app. We even have alternative versions of Windows Explorer with an excellent modern design.

The new default apps have little essentials

Recortes Calculadora

The apps that Windows includes 10 by default are not exactly the best. Microsoft itself knows that they leave a lot to be desired and they considered renewing them completely with Windows 11. However, so far the little we have received is a small coat of paint to make them look a little more consistent with the rest of the system.

Mail, Calendar, Calculator and Clippings have their rounded edges and new icons, but up there. Photos is perhaps the app that changes the most and that does receive new functions, and the Clock now has the concentration sessions . Again, is a good step but it is nothing revolutionary or that other apps do not make better .

You are going to lose functions that have been in Windows for years

windows 11 barra

Cannot drag and drop an item to the taskbar in Windows 11

Windows 11 also comes with some difficult shortcomings to explain. For example, the taskbar loses quite a few of its most useful functions . Not only is it not possible to drag a file to an application icon to quickly open it, but we cannot drag icons to pin, or move the bar to the right, left or up.

The context menu that appears in Windows 10 and earlier versions when you right-click on the bar is also gone, and instead we have a single option to go to Settings. Microsoft is testing bring some of those functions back , but it’s something we won’t see until the next version.

It will be worth more in October 2022

It is precisely that next version that looks much better, but unlike Windows 10 that is updated every six months, Windows 11 will have an annual update model , so the addition of new features and the jump to a new version will not be seen until October 2022.

Windows 11 from 2022 already looks better than 2021

Most likely May it be in 2022 when most of the initial problems are corrected, deficiencies are solved, the system gains maturity, and promised things such as Android app support arrive. The Windows 11 of 2022 already looks better than the one of 2021, and given the little need to update, it may be better to wait a year.

The disadvantages of being early adopter

Windows 11 Octubre

This is more true than ever today, when we are constantly offered the “privilege” of testing things before they are ready . We are sold software in development with the promise to test everything before anyone else, and we end up testing alphas, betas and preliminary versions of apps, games, and full operating systems that do not always leave a good taste in our mouths.

When you are enthusiastic it can be fun and even educational, but if you want to use your computer to do stuff and already, this first version of Windows 11 does not feel for now like a final product ready . Those of us who have been testing it since the beginning have been able to verify that in general it works as well as Windows 10, but there is little that justifies the jump, and some things are lost in the process.

I am currently using the version “release preview” or preview of the final version and we know that it is an almost indistinguishable version of what will be the release of October 5. Personally, I see no reason to return to Windows 10 after updating, but if I had not done so I would not see much the point of updating if I did not need to test the system and know as much as possible about it to write these lines.

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