JUSTICE – The Head of State announced that France will campaign more so that the countries which still practice the death penalty abolish it, in particular by the organization from Paris of a “meeting at the highest level” with NGOs from the countries concerned.
The drafting of LCI (with AFP) –
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the abolition of the death penalty, commemorated on Saturday October 9 at the Pantheon, Emmanuel Macron announced that France pledged to “relaunch the fight for universal abolition” of the death penalty, by organizing a summit to “convince” the leaders of the countries still applying it to take the step of abolition.
“As part of the French presidency of the European Union, we will organize in Paris with the NGO Ensemble contre la penalty de death a meeting at the highest level bringing together civil societies from States still applying the death penalty or a moratorium in order to convince their leaders of the importance and the urgency of abolishing it “
, declared the head of the State under the dome of the Pantheon.
He also advocated that international pressure be increased on countries still resorting to the penalty capital city. The President thus announced that France, alongside other members of the European Union, “will mobilize the international community at the next United Nations General Assembly around a resolution so that, each year, the States which have not abolished the death penalty communicate to the United Nations the number of sentences pronounced and the number of executions carried out “.
His speech follows that of Robert Badinter, the former Minister of Justice who had voted for the abolition of the death penalty in France, and who shared his “absolute conviction: the death penalty is doomed to disappear in the world because it is a disgrace for humanity” .
483 executions in 2020 perpetrated in 33 country
The abolition bill had been adopted by the ‘National Assembly on September 18, 1981, four months after the election of François Mitterrand to the Élysée, then on September 30 by the senators. The scrapping of the guillotine was promulgated on October 9, 1981. Emmanuel Macron recalled that, in 1981, France had been “the 35th state to abolish the death penalty “. “106 States have so far taken this route while 50 others respect a de jure or de facto moratorium on executions” , he specified.
But he lamented that “483 executions, a number certainly underestimated” were perpetrated around the world in 2020. According to him as many “state murders administered by 33 political regimes which for the most part have in common a shared taste for despotism, the rejection of the universality of human rights” , he said. The death penalty remains in force today, in particular in China, the United States and India.
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Upon completion of the speech, Emmanuel Macron and Robert Badinter visited the exhibition “Un combat capital”, which traces the history of the political struggle for the abolition of the death penalty in France, from the 18th century to the present day.
Among the some 200 guests who took place under the dome of the Pantheon, were Prime Minister Jean Castex, Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti , the presidents of the National Assembly Richard Ferrand and of the Senate Gérard Larcher, but also former collaborators and ministers of François Mitterrand such as Pierre Joxe, Hubert Védrine and Jean-Louis Bianco. Members of the Badinter family were also present.
The drafting of LCI (with AFP)
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