5 new mobile games to try this week


5 new mobile games to try this week - January 26th, 2023

Fresh mobile picks you should give a go this week

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Who doesn’t love new games? We certainly do – there’s just something about the exhilaration of a new title you can’t wait to dive into, as the loading screen pops up and you enter a brave new world.

Of course, new mobile games are a dime a dozen these days, and who has the time to scour the iPhone, iPad and/or Android stores to catch the latest title that drops? This is exactly why we’ve gathered a quick list of 5 new mobile games you should try this week, from undiscovered indie gems to high-profile AAA masterpieces.

By the way, if you’ve got an unquenchable thirst for curated games you can obsess over each week, be sure to check out our NEW WEEKLY MOBILE GAMES hubor join our lively community on Twitter or Discord.

Let’s get on with it!

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Punch Kick Duck

Available on: iOS + Android

Genre: Action, Arcade, Fighting

Punch Kick Duck

As the title suggests, you’ll punch, kick and duck your way through hordes of enemies in a tower to defeat the dastardly Baron Tigrisso – of course, you’ll also be a literal duck, which gives the mobile action fighting game a unique charm.

The game offers a casual experience with quick stages and a scoring system, plus a simple rock-paper-scissors mechanics when it comes to your moves against the enemy (Punch beats Kick, Kick beats Duck, and Duck beats Punch). It also features controller support so you can really get your duck on.



Devolver Tumble Time

Available on: iOS + Android

Genre: Puzzle

Devolver Tumble Time

As a parody of the mobile gaming landscape today, Devolver Tumble Time holds up a mirror to society and throws a lot of humour into the mix with its fun match-3 gameplay that’s littered with tongue-in-cheek jabs. There are tons of in-game currencies to add insult to injury, just to make the vibrant time-waster more satirical.

The game also features charming visuals and a host of unlockable characters from the Devolver brand, with pick-up-and-play sessions that last for 60 seconds each.



Narcos: Cartel Wars Unlimited

Developer: Netflix

Available on: iOS + Android

Genre: Strategy

Narcos: Cartel Wars Unlimited

Narcos: Cartel Wars Unlimited

This Netflix exclusive lets you run your own drug cartel in a mobile strategy game. You’ll have to strategise how your operation goes depending on the way you handle matters – will you rule with fear, take over other cartels using death squads, or team up with other kingpins to eliminate enemies and conquer their resources?

The game is based on the popular Netflix series, and you’ll learn the nitty-gritties from drug lord El Patron while maintaining the tricky balance of power between yourself and the DEA.



Roller Drama

Available on: iOS + Android + Steam + Switch

Genre: Sports

Roller Drama

This narrative-driven sports game features a distinct art style along with a management sim-esque gameplay mechanic where you’ll handle a team of roller derby experts to win matches. You’ll also have to deal with their varied personalities and relationships as you progress through the game.

The game boasts upgradeable abilities you can experiment with to make sure your team is in tip-top shape, as well as multiple endings based on your decisions. Full controller support is a huge plus as well, including multi-language localisation and handy cloud saves.



Mare: Pocket Edition

Developer: Visiontrick Media

Available on: iOS

Genre: Adventure, Puzzle

Mare: Pocket Edition

This mystery narrative adventure tasks you with exploring the odd lands of Mare after waking up as an embodiment of an artificial bird. What ensues is a series of mysterious quests, cryptic puzzles, and a strange companion who seems to be just as clueless as you are.

The game features 8 chapters filled with atmospheric music and hidden artifacts to uncover as you protect your helpless ally and learn more about the world around you along the way.


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