5 Tips to Fight Phobias According to Experts

PHOBIA is an intense

fear of something that can cause harm if the perpetrator cannot control the fear.

If they find something they are afraid of, they tend to run without thinking about their safety.

Psychotherapist Dr. Chandni Tugnait said, fear is an emotion that is triggered by the threat of danger either real or imaginary. In moderation, it helps us deal with potential harm.

“However, if the frequency or intensity of the fear is paralyzing its impact, then it needs to be managed effectively,” he said as reported by Pinkvilla on Wednesday (29/9/2021).

However, avoiding fear only causes anxiety and discomfort. A common fear that is commonly triggered by heights, flying, death, darkness, social interactions, rodents, etc.

Before causing an impact that can harm themselves or others, the psychotherapist also made 5 lists where a person can overcome their phobia in general.

However, if the fear is out of some severe phobia, it is always better to consult a professional first.takut


1. Face your fear

You can’t get rid of what you’re afraid of , unless you face it head-on. Remember, things rarely turn out as bad as you think an, when faced with difficult situations.

Whether it involves spiders, crowds, heights, flying, etc., acknowledge them and conquer them one by one, breaking down assumptions, overthinking, conclusions, and points of reference the past around him.

2. Think positive

Perhaps your fear is just an exaggerated thought spiraling out of control in your mind. Negative thoughts lead to negative actions which then drive negative results.

So develop positive thoughts and habits that will empower you to achieve more and boost your self-confidence!

3. Personification of fear

Personification of fear helps separate one’s own thoughts from thoughts created by fear. You can give it a name or an image to make it lighter (make sure you don’t see it as a monster or something scary), so you know you can handle it. This helps in processing them better.

4. Brain dumping practice

Brain dumping is a great coping skill. Keep a journal and record all your thoughts, fears, and feelings. Let it be a free-flowing thought on paper.

It helps in declaring thoughts and curbs overthinking while allowing for processing of frightening thoughts.

5. Seek support from an expert

Being alone with fear only adds to the anxiety you feel when you face it. Share with your friends and family.

You can also seek the support of an expert to reduce any fears or doubts that might keep you from trying new things.


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