6.7 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Banten

This must be done before, during, and after an earthquake.


– Ensure that the structure and location of your house can avoid the dangers caused by an earthquake, such as a landslide or liquefaction. Evaluate and renovate your building structure to avoid earthquake hazards.

– Get to know the environment in which you work: pay attention to the location of doors, elevators and emergency stairs. Also know where is the safest place to take shelter.

– Learn to do first aid and fire extinguishers.

– Write down important telephone numbers that can be contacted in the event of an earthquake.

– Arrange the furniture so that it is firmly attached to the wall to avoid falling, collapsing, shifting during an earthquake.

– Arrange heavy objects as far as possible on the bottom. Check the stability of hanging objects that can fall during an earthquake.

– Store flammable materials in a place that is not easily broken to avoid fire.

– Always turn off water, gas and electricity when not in use.

– Prepare the tools that must be in every place: First aid kit, flashlight/battery light, radio, food supplements and water.

When an Earthquake Occurs:

– If you are in a building: protect your body and head from the ruins of the building by hiding under a table, find the safest place from debris and shocks, run outside if you can.

– If you are outside a building or an open area: Avoid buildings that are around you such as buildings, power lines, trees. Pay attention to where you stand, avoid if there is a crack in the ground.

– If you are driving a car: get out, get off and away from the car avoid in case of shift or fire.

– If you live or are at the beach: stay away from the beach to avoid a tsunami hazard.

– If you live in a mountainous area: in case of an earthquake, avoid areas where landslides may occur.

After an Earthquake:

– If you are inside a building: exit the building in an orderly manner; do not use elevators or elevators, use ordinary stairs; check if anyone is injured, do first aid; call or ask for help in case of serious injury to you or those around you.

– Check your surroundings: in case of fire, in case of gas leakage, in case of electrical short circuit. Check the flow and water pipes, check if there are things that are dangerous.

– Do not enter buildings that have been hit by an earthquake, because there may still be rubble.

– Do not walk in the area around the earthquake, the possibility of aftershocks is still there.

– Listen to information about the earthquake from the radio (in case of aftershocks). Don’t be easily provoked by rumors or news that have no clear source.

– Fill out a questionnaire given by the relevant agency to find out how much damage has occurred.

– Don’t panic and don’t forget to always pray to God for the safety and security of all of us.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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