60+ Should Get Hard Core About Longevity Strategies

When you are 60 or older and you believe that aging reversal is feasible then it is time to get serious about food, diet, intermittent fasting, and the current best treatments that might improve the odds of surviving until aging reversal is available.

There are events like raadfest in San Diego October 6-9, 2022.

Undoing Aging 2022 in Germany was canceled due to COVID travel restrictions.

Forever Healthy has online meetups and provides online information for the best current aging treatments.

Forever Healthy has Longevity Strategies and practical guides and risk-benefit analysis for all treatments and approaches.

Adopting the current best practices for longevity and signing up for cryonics are actually practical approaches that are rational unemotional choices while looking at the odds while factoring in changing technology.

Promising Rejuvenation Therapies per Forever Healthy


Existing compounds that slow our aging process to some extent or at least significantly lower our probability to suffer from age-related diseases.
DMAE & Centrophenoxine

Compensatory Treatments

Therapies that do not address the root causes of our aging process but rather compensate for the effects that it has on our body.
Male & female steroid hormone restoration
NAD+ restoration
Young plasma infusions
Young plasma exosomes
Immune support with dendritic & NK cells

Molecular & Cellular Repair

Therapies that address the root causes or near-root causes of our aging process and repair damage on a molecular or cellular level.
Endothelial repair using MitoQ
Cellular membrane repair using IV & oral essential phospholipids
Arterial & capillary decalcification using IV EDTA
First generation senolytics: Dasatinib, Quercetin, Fisetin, Piperloungime, Azithromycin
Localized and systemic application of mesenchymal and amniotic stem cells
Thymus regeneration

Forever Healthy’s “Rejuvenation Now” initiative that seeks to continuously identify potential rejuvenation therapies and systematically evaluate their risks, benefits, and associated therapeutic protocols to create transparency.

Currently available Risk-Benefit Analyses at Forever Healthy

NEW: Phospholipid Therapy

Phospholipids are an important structural component of cell and organelle membranes and play a role in many cell signaling pathways. Membranes incur oxidative damage over time and in several disease conditions. Oral and/or i.v. supplementation of phospholipids (particularly phosphatidylcholine), is hypothesized to repair this damage by replacement of oxidized membrane phospholipids with “healthy” phospholipids, thus restoring or maintaining membrane integrity and function.

Dasatinib and Quercetin Senolytic Therapy

Dasatinib is a well-established medication used in the treatment of cancer. Quercetin is a flavonoid found in many plants and foods that is often used as a supplement. It is supposed that intermittent dosing of D+Q leads to the elimination of senescent cells in humans and by doing so, has the potential to prevent, delay, or alleviate multiple age-related diseases and increase the healthy lifespan.

Vascular Rejuvenation using EDTA

EDTA chelation therapy is the use of EDTA, a synthetic amino acid, to remove unwanted metals from the body. Observed “side effects” include rejuvenation of the cardiovascular system and a substantial reduction of adverse cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke. Proposed mechanisms include the stabilization and reduction of atherosclerotic plaque, prevention of epigenetic changes, and stabilization of membranes.

Skin Rejuvenation by Low-Level Light Therapy

Low-level light therapy or photobiomodulation is the use of low-energy light at a particular wavelength to influence cellular processes. Targeting the skin, it is supposed to lead to a more youthful appearance through increased collagen and elastin production, and a reduction in age spots and wrinkles.

Fisetin Senolytic Therapy

Fisetin is a flavonoid found in many types of fruits and vegetables that is readily available over the counter as a supplement. Used intermittently at high doses it is supposed to act as a senolytic agent to remove senescent cells presenting an easily accessible, inexpensive therapeutic option.

NAD+ Restoration Therapy

NAD+ is a nucleotide found in all living cells that plays an important role in energy metabolism. Levels may decline markedly with age and restoring them to a youthful state using various oral precursors, transdermal patches or IVs is believed to have beneficial effects on health and longevity.

Changing Odds As We Age

Hong Kong is one of the countries or regions with the highest life expectancy. In 2014, the life expectancy was 83.5 for men and 89.2 for women. Life expectancy for all countries has dropped in the last year or two because of the COVID pandemic. Life expectancy is a calculation based upon the age of people who are dying in the current year and assuming that it will repeat going into the future.

When people are around 39 years old they have a 0.05% chance of dying before they turn 40.
When men are about 55-60 and when women are about 60 to 66 they have a 0.5% chance of dying before they get one year older.

Men in Hong Kong have a 4% chance of dying in their 50s, while women in Hong Kong have a little less than a 2.3% chance of dying in their 50s.
Men in Hong Kong have a 10% chance of dying in their 60s, while women in Hong Kong have a little less than a 5% chance of dying in their 60s.
Men in Hong Kong have a 25% chance of dying in their 70s, while women in Hong Kong have a little less than a 13.5% chance of dying in their 70s.
Men in Hong Kong have a 57% chance of dying in their 80s, while women in Hong Kong have a little less than a 38.5% chance of dying in their 80s.

When men in Hong Kong are 60 they have an expected 24 years of further life. Women in Hong Kong who are 60 have an expected 29 years of further life.

Once anyone is past the life expectancy from birth number (80 for some people or 90 for others) then the chance of them dying in the next year gets close to 10% and then rapidly moves past 10% towards 20-30% and then goes flat at 30-40%.

Making it ten years past the life expectancy is beating the odds. Only 27% of the men in Hong Kong who make it to 83.5 would be expected to make it to 94. Only 21% of the women in Hong Kong who make it to 89 would be expected to make it to 99.

Only about one in 500 people make it from 100 to 110. There are currently about 300 and 450 living supercentenarians (110 or older) in the world. There were about 1.8 billion people in 1912. 1 in 4.5 million people made it to an official recorded and registered age over 110. There are about 573000 centenarians now. 1200 to 1500 of the current centenarians should make to 110+.

A 60-year-old Hong Kong man who expects radical life extension or aging reversal to be developed and available for you within 20 years then men have a 35% chance of needing cryonics to freeze your body or head for revival. Hong Kong people have the longest life expectancy so the odds would be worse for pretty much everyone else.

A 60-year-old Hong Kong woman who expects radical life extension or aging reversal to be developed and available for you within 20 years then men have a 19% chance of needing cryonics to freeze your body or head for revival. Hong Kong people have the longest life expectancy so the odds would be worse for pretty much everyone else.

Those who are 70 or older need and believe that aging reversal and advanced antiaging is possible and perhaps molecular nanotechnology eventually has a 5% or more chance then they should sign up for cryonics. Alcor provides cryonics services.

SOURCES- Forever Healthy, Raadfest, SENS, Hong Kong Actuarial tables
Written by Brian Wang, Nextbigfuture.com

Brian Wang is a Futurist Thought Leader and a popular Science blogger with 1 million readers per month. His blog Nextbigfuture.com is ranked #1 Science News Blog. It covers many disruptive technology and trends including Space, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Medicine, Anti-aging Biotechnology, and Nanotechnology.

Known for identifying cutting edge technologies, he is currently a Co-Founder of a startup and fundraiser for high potential early-stage companies. He is the Head of Research for Allocations for deep technology investments and an Angel Investor at Space Angels.

A frequent speaker at corporations, he has been a TEDx speaker, a Singularity University speaker and guest at numerous interviews for radio and podcasts.  He is open to public speaking and advising engagements.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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