7 ideal dog breeds for families with children

The dogs are known to be the best company that anyone could have since they have characteristics such as loyalty and companionship. Thus, today we bring the 7 dog breeds ideal for a family due to their docility and fidelity.

In The first place in the list of dog breeds we have the Golden Retriever. This dog stands out for its friendly and sympathetic disposition that has led it to be the third among the dog breeds most chosen by families. Golden retrivers are patient and playful due to their hyperactivity, so they need to be provided daily exercise to avoid destructive behaviors.

The following of our Dog breeds is the Schnauzer, a very empathetic pet that is easily integrated into any family. These types of dogs are usually very attentive and careful with their loved ones since they are always alert to any danger. In addition to this, these dogs easily learn the orders of their owners. The third dog in the list of family dog ​​breeds is the Beagle, a dog with a tender physical appearance. These puppies are very active and impulsive so they require a good education since they are a puppy.

The fourth of these breeds in the top of family dogs is the Vizsla. These pets often form very close bonds with their families because they tend to be following a family member all the time. These dogs are ideal for those dynamic and active people, who enjoy doing sports because they will accompany them wherever they are.

The fifth of the dog breeds selected is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Company dogs for families that are characterized by being more sedentary than active. This is one of the breeds most chosen for living with children due to its sweet, affectionate, docile and affable character.

Image: Types of Dogs

The sixth of these dogs on the list of family dogs is the Bernese Mountain Dog. This is a pet that adapts to all types of families, especially those with an active lifestyle since it is characterized by being independent, safe, docile and peaceful and with a big heart.

The last of these dog breeds is the Boxer, a dog that can fit in with families that have an active and enthusiastic lifestyle for which these dogs will be an ideal company. Boxers are protective animals and patient with children; besides being faithful, active and very friendly.

Image: Hello!


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