98-Year-Old Nazi Fighter and WWII Veteran William Pekrul Brings the House Down at the RNC

The attendees of the Republican National Convention were blessed with an appearance by 98-year-old World War II veteran, William ‘Bill’ Pekrul, a man who knows first-hand what it’s like to fight Nazis. There were looks of awe, shows of respect, and a few tears as Pekrul described his service, the country he loves, and his desire that Trump return to the White House.

Sgt William Pekrul (Ret.) pic.twitter.com/ZJWQoPfs7V

— Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) July 18, 2024

People like Sgt. Pekrul and those who cheered him this evening are the same people Democrats call Nazis.

Bless this WWII vet
Sgt William Pekrul – 98 years old ❤🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/CCRzXC6cnI

— Sandy &🐾Edi 🇺🇸🖤💙🖤 (@Ruby3870) July 18, 2024

As striking as Pekrul’s record of service is, also impressive is his path following the war. He fathered eleven children and has spent 98 years living as Americans do across our great nation.

98-year-old WWII veteran and father of 11 children Sgt. William Pekrul speaks more coherently than Joe Biden at the RNC:

“America, people say, America is an idea. But I believe that America is much more than that. America is our home.” pic.twitter.com/91r5ArMAlK

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) July 18, 2024

America is our home. Yes, sir.

WW2 Veteran Brings Down the House When He Says He Would RE-ENLIST Under President Trump

“[With] President Trump back as commander-in-chief, I would go back to re-enlist today, and I would storm whatever beach my country needs me to.”

Sgt. William Pekrul stormed the beaches of… pic.twitter.com/KLxN2AFrqO

— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) July 18, 2024

Perhaps the biggest applause for Bill Pekrul came when he said America is still worth fighting for and he would re-enlist today if President Trump were once again Commander-In-Chief.


Apparently, there’s ‘Joe Biden old’ and ‘Bill Pekrul old’. We’ll take the Bill Pekrul version.

Pekrul did an awesome job, and many couldn’t help but notice how much more in command of his words he is at 98 than Joe Biden often is at 81.

At the age of 98 William Pekrul is ten times the public speaker Joe Biden is

— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) July 18, 2024

Thank you for your service, Sgt. Pekrul!


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Mayor of East Palestine Slams Biden at the RNC: Biden Administration Has Been a Train Wreck


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