NC Digitech, Samsung Laptop Galaxy Book Fall Proposal Exhibition, Special Discount

Z ڸ 101Ϻ10 10ϱ ZƮ ú 360 (NT950QDY-A51A), ú 15 (NT950XDC-X71A / NT950XDB-K71A), ú 13 (NT930XDY-A51A), ú LTE (NT953XDB-K58 ÷ 2 (NT560XDZ-G78A) 𵨵 ̹  Z ú Ư 縦 Ѵ ٰ (.

̹  Ǵ ú ǰ ð ǰ Ȯ 1% 7% ߰, ī (NHī) ݾ 7% ̹ ÷ ̹ Ʈ ñ ޾, Z ¶, Z Ȩ ƮϽ üǵ پ ̿ ǰ ̺Ʈ Բ ZƮ – ZƮ α𵨵 ݾ װ پ ִ ٰ Ѵ.

ú ø 15.6 (NT950XDC-X71A) 13.3 (NT930XDY-A51A) ÷ ̿ ̽ƽ, ̽ƽ⁇ ð Ǹ, 11 Ÿ̰ŷũ μ 4 SSD žǰ 15.6 NVIDIA MX450 GDDR6 ׷, 13.3 Iris Xe 𵨷 𵨷, Ư NVMe SSD ũSD ϰ ߰ Ͽ 丮 Ȯ ʽ (.

ú 360 360 ȸ 15.6 ۾ Ƹ ÷ ̿ S Ǵ º Ʈ ̽ƽ ̹, ̽ƽ, ̽ƽ ⁇ ð Ǹ 11 Ÿ̰ŷũ μ 4 SSD 256GB, Iris Xe ׷ ž 2in1 Ʈ ̴.

ú LTE 13.3ġ ÷ ̿ 11.2mm β 868g ʰ 淮 ʽ Ʈ 11 μ 4 SSD 256GB Iris Xe žǾ žǾ, Կ پ ɰ LTE ̵ű Ǿ ޴ 뼺 ̴ 𵨷 ָ ִ ִ Ʈ (.

Z Ʈ ÷ 2 NT560XDZ-G78A ָ Ƽ ο о Ƽ Ű, ġ Ѱ 踦 Ѿ Ʈ 丮, ֽ ž 11 CPU & NVIDIA GTX 1650Ti ž Ʈ ̴.

ú ڼ ǰ Ŵ ̹ Ȯ ִ .

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