Destiny 2: Season Of The Risen Trailer Shows You Fighting Alongside The Cabal

In Destiny 2’s new Witch Queen expansion, Savathun and her Light-wielding Lucent Hive present one of the greatest threats yet, and we’ve known for some time that the new season, Season of the Risen, would see you team up with the Cabal. A new launch trailer for this season offers our best look yet at a new activity, PsiOps Battlegrounds, where you’ll actually be standing shoulder to shoulder with the Cabal–enemies you’ve been fighting since the first game.

While the trailer provides an overview of Season of the Risen in general, it’s PsiOps Battlegrounds that looks to be the main highlight. In it, players are tasked with capturing Lucent Hive lieutenants. Zavala brokers a deal with Caiatl for help in dealing with the Hive, and she in turn enlists Psions who can send Guardians into the Mindscape, “a psychic plane where thoughts manifest to reality.” Further details on how the mode will work weren’t shared, though it looks to be a three-person activity. And, as noted above, you’ll have the Cabal for backup, extending the uneasy truce that began early last year.

Season of the Risen launches alongside The Witch Queen today, February 22, and runs until May 24. To access most of its content, you’ll need to either buy access to this season or buy one of the premium versions of Witch Queen–either the Deluxe edition or 30th Anniversary bundle–both of which include Seasons 16-19 that will cover the next year.

Among the known issues going into the new expansion is a relatively minor one involving PsiOps Battlegrounds. A recommended Power level is not listed for the playlist when launching the activity, but that should be shown as 1500. That’s the new soft cap, which you’ll need to work up to from the starting Power level of 1350.

The Witch Queen releases at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET, although Bungie has warned that server queues are inevitable. In the meantime, catch up on what’s happened over the last year with our Destiny 2 story recap.

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