Nicaragua approves use of Cuban vaccines

The Cuban vaccines Abdala and Soberana received approval for use in Nicaragua, as announced this Saturday by the Cuban biotechnology conglomerate Biocubafarma on its Twitter account.

Grants the Sanitary Regulation Authority of the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health (MINSA) the Certification of Emergency Use of Cuban vaccines # Soberana and # Abdala .

– BioCubaFarma (@BioCubaFarma) October 2, 2021

As the institution expands, “this authorization is made in accordance with the quality, safety and efficacy requirements established by the Nicaraguan Technical Standards.” It adds that this certification granted by the Nicaraguan Regulatory Authority indicates that the Soberana and Abdala vaccines, “are offered as a therapeutic tool with safe access to reduce the transmissibility of Covid19, produced by the Sars-Cov-2 virus.”

Last July the authorities of the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health (MINSA), and the Nicaraguan Institute of Social Security (INSS) met via virtual with directors of BioCubaFarma and the Ambassador of Cuba in Nicaragua, Juan Carlos Hernández.

On that occasion they shared the advances of the Abdala and Soberana vaccines and analyzed the possible agreements for the acquisition and use of one of these biological compounds in the country.

Although Cuban vaccines have not yet entered the official WHO recognition list, on September 16 the results of Cuba were presented for the first time before that international organization.

On that occasion, Dr. Maria ngela Simao, deputy director general of the WHO for Access to Medicines, Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals, chaired the meeting, in which scientists from the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) and the Finlay Institute for Vaccines (IFV) presented the results achieved up to the present for Cuban vaccines against COVID-19, and the next steps were agreed to give continuity to the process started on that day, according to the newspaper Granma.

Currently, Cuba is focusing to complete the vaccination process, which until September 29 reached 5,255,926 people with a complete regimen. In use are those of national production Abdala, Soberana 02 and Soberana Plus, while the Chinese Sinopharm is applied in some territories.

According to information from the authorities, the incidence of the disease begins to decrease as from this Friday the clinical trial in convalescent minors with the use of Soberana Plus is proceeded.

With the information released this Saturday, Nicaragua adds the countries that immunize their population with Cuban vaccines. Other nations such as Venezuela, Iran and Vietnam are also on the list.


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