Orthodontic Digital Marketing Specialists HIP Deliver Intensive Training Session at Private Event in Conjunction With Fishbein Fundamentals

Pensacola United States – March 8, 2022 — HIP, one of the leading digital orthodontic marketing specialist companies in the United States, are delighted to announce that they recently delivered an intensive training session at a private event in conjunction with Fishbein Fundamentals. The event featured numerous exclusive and innovative strategies and proven concepts that, when followed, deliver outstanding results for Orthodontic Business owners. It was very well attended, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.

HIP implements a holistic approach to digital marketing and consistently pushes the boundaries, testing different concepts and developing new ideas to deliver to our clients. HIP is committed to delivering outstanding value and helping its clients achieve a significant return on investment.

“At HIP, we love what we do; we are passionate about getting out in the real world and engaging with our clients in live presentations,” said Luke Infinger, founder of HIP. “Delivering training sessions at private events provides the perfect opportunity to dig deep and discuss in person our ideas, our proven strategies, and gives our clients to ask any questions that may arise during the presentation. We enjoyed working with Fishbein Fundamentals and look forward to organizing our next event.”

HIP is built to win. Their team of expert consultants, creatives, marketing professionals, and engineers work alongside healthcare and medical practices to build sustainable and profitable businesses. They are driven by a love of helping each individual client fulfill their authentic purpose while building the practice of their dreams. HIP believes in a strong and caring team that works hand-in-hand with clients who value long-term and sustainable growth. They firmly believe in the value of their powerful tools, hands-on training, and their tried and true framework that allows their clients to provide top-notch care and impeccable service and profitability. For more information about the company, and the services they provide, visit their website at https://HIP.agency.

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