Honored Jury MCI 7, Lamb Kofta Recipe Check amp; Indian style Naan bread!

Naan bread is a type of flatbread that is often served in Indian restaurants. Having a savory taste and unique texture, naan bread is perfect for serving with Indian specialties such as curry or tandoori.

In the competition MasterChef Indonesia Season 7, one of the participants named Nindy Sanyoto managed to amaze the judges with delicious lamb kofta and naan bread. For those who are curious and want to try it, let’s take a peek at the recipe below!

Nindy SanyotoNindy Sanyoto

Ingredient of kofta:

– 150gr of ground goat

– 2 large green chilies

– 1 tbsp cumin powder

– 1/2 tbsp ground black pepper

– 1 tsp salt

– garlic powder to taste

Sauce ingredients:

– 2 cloves of garlic

– 1/4 onions

– 1 tomato

– 2 tbsp greek plain yogurt

– 150 ml of liquid milk

– 5 cardamom seeds

– 5 cloves

– 2 cinnamon sticks

– 2 tbsp garam masala

– salt and pepper

Also Read: Empty Cookie Flavor Nastar Recipe by Chef Nindy Sanyoto

How to make lamb kofta:

– Mix mutton, green chilies, pepper, garlic powder, cumin, and salt, stir until evenly distributed

– Shape into bo Small la-balls, fry in a little oil until browned

– Saute onions and tomatoes until caramelized

– Add cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, garlic until cooked then add milk, yogurt, pepper

– Add kofta and mix with sauce, ready to serve

Naan bread ingredients:

– 100 gr high protein flour

– 150 gr medium protein flour

– 25 gr yogurt

– 50 ml warm milk

– 75 ml warm water

– 1 tbsp instant yeast

-1 tbsp oil

-1 tbsp salt

How to make naan bread:

– Mix yogurt with milk, flour and yeast using a mixer, add water little by little, don’t let it get too soft

– Add oil and salt, knead the dough

– Cover with plastic wrap, keep for 1 hour until fluffy

– Divide the dough into about 5 -6 parts, round shape and then flatten until thin

– Bake until browned

For those who want to try to make their own, let’s see the full tutorial only on YouTube Nindy Sanyoto’s channel!

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