Fifa welcomes British decision to facilitate the release of internationals



Posted 10/03/2021 at 21:54 GMT

The British authorities announced on Friday that they had reached an agreement to resolve the issue of the release of foreign internationals who were to travel to countries on the red list, the most affected currently by the pandemic. Players who have received their two doses of the coronavirus vaccine will be able to continue training and playing at their clubs’ matches after the October international window, but will be required to stay in a hotel or private accommodation provided by the club. for ten days.

“Fifa welcomes the decision of the British government to allow fully vaccinated players to represent their respective countries at the next qualifying matches for the World Cup and to return from countries on the red list under suitable quarantine conditions “, Fifa said in a statement released on Sunday. “We believe that the current situation is much better than the one we experienced in September” , continued the international body.

“We are nevertheless aware that this decision does not concern all players and we remain determined to improve the situation during the next international windows” , concluded Fifa. During the international window in September, English football clubs refused to release players for international matches taking place in Red List countries, including many countries in Africa or South America, due to the mandatory quarantines that they should have carried out on their return. Manchester United, for example, had retained their Uruguayan striker Edinson Cavani, Liverpool their center forward Mohamed Salah and several Brazilian internationals.

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