Oh what happened to you, whatever happened to me, what became of the people, we used to be?

Apologies, only the very oldest will see the relevance here, but can I ask who remembers watching those Likely Lads Terry and Bob living their lives through the writing of Ian la Frenais in our wonderful corner of the country back in the 70?

Those that remember it will be humming the tune “oh what happened to you, whatever happened to me, what became of the people, we used to be?”

There’s a particular episode where Terry and Bob are trying to avoid updates on an England match so they can watch the game on TV later, not knowing how the game went.

Different times, different worlds we can’t really comprehend nowadays, or so I thought

Today is my wedding anniversary.

Many months ago I shared with my better half that Whitley Bay Playhouse are presenting Ian la Frenais and whatever happened to the Likely Lads. My better half is not from the north east and doesn’t necessarily get my nostalgia obsession with 70s and 80s north east life. She reluctantly agreed to go on our anniversary and tickets were bought many months ago!

Hurrah! But wait, when is it on? Yep clashes with the Milan game tonight!

I’m committed to the show tonight because of who it is and who will be sitting next to me. The younger me may have binned it off, but my life has more balance now, so I won’t see the game live despite its size.

So what happens now?

Discreet phone updates? Text messages?

Pub before and after?

Or do I relive the episode from ’73 (or thereabouts) and try and avoid all updates until safely home and relive it “as live”? In its full beauty and passion?

Can’t believe I’m even contemplating this and is it still possible?

I’ve made the call because of the date and my good lady, but comfortable in the belief this isn’t going to be a one-off, unlike the past there isn’t going to be 20 years until these things come along.

In the TV show the game was postponed due to floods, suspect this isn’t going to be the outcome tonight!

Enjoy folks wherever you are!

Be loud, be proud, and tell me all about it, but not until I’m ready to hear it please.

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