"I’m done"

Botswana polygamous pastor, Seraki Kemmonye Seraki, has said he will not marry another wife.

Recall that the pastor, who is married to two women, earlier disclosed his intention to marry a ‘third wife and final wife.

Taking to his Facebook page on Tuesday, October 31, he changed his mind after witnessing the “fantastic relationship” between his two wives. 

“I AM DONE. I think looking at how well my wives get along, and the effort they have put to have such a fantastic relationship, it’s only viable for me to stop here! To those ladies that my wives have been engaging and talking to as potential wives, I apologize, ke ema gone ha. Ke dumela, le ha ise kele bone, lele bantle mo go maswe, there are decent guys out there who are monogamous that would love you and you alone,” he wrote.


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