Sweet moment actress Mercy Aigbe’s husband, Kazim Adeoti, surprised her on set with fruits to break her fast (Video)

Popular Nollywood actress and filmmaker Mercy Aigbe has shared a video of the moment her husband, Kazim Adeoti, surprised her on a movie set.

The thespian, who converted to Islam after marrying her Muslim husband, gushed over him for being thoughtful enough to bring a fruit basket to break her fast during the ongoing Ramadan season.

She acknowledged that it is not easy to be filming and fasting simultaneously and appreciated her husband for going above and beyond to alleviate the stress.

Kazim Adeoti, surprised

In the video she shared on her Instagram page, her husband was captured entering her room and presenting her with the fruit basket, while lovingly rubbing her head.

The 46-year-old actress captioned the video,

“Look who surprised me today on set and he came bearing fruits for me to break my fast with! @kazimadeoti world best hubby 😁🥰🏆… Thanks Boo 😻😻

Fasting and Filming ko easy but may Allah give me Grace and renew my strength 🙏🙏👊

Eyin Temi se on lo? May our sacrifices be accepted as an act of Ibadah 🙏”

Watch below,

A while back, Mercy Aigbe took to social media to celebrate her husband, Kazim Adeoti, as he turns a year older today.

She shared a video of them kissing while declaring her love for him on her Instagram page. Read here

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